Hagakure The Manga Edition

A manga version of this classic early 18thC samurai text. Kodansha, Spring 2011, 150 pages.
Based on William Scott Wilson's definitive translation, adapted by scriptwriter and comic book/manga author Sean Wilson, and with lively drawings by well-known illustrator Chie Kutsuwada, this first-ever graphic treatment of what's considered the most influential of all samurai treatises is sure to delight manga fans, martial arts enthusiasts, and students of Japanese culture.
Reminiscent of The Arabian Nights in structure, Hagakure is acollection of tales and anecdotes that offer instruction and insight into the philosophy and code of behavior that foster the true spirit of Bushido - the Way of the Warrior. A young, upcoming samurai seeks the advice of an older, seasoned warrior who has become a Zen monk. The ambitious young samurai humbly begs to learn from the old master, who consents. So begins a series of eventful meetings.
With each incident, the young novice learns what it means to be a samurai. Learns what courage and right thought are. Learns the harsh realities and subtle wisdom of his age. And, as an added bonus, William Scott Wilson, the translator of the original Kodansha International version of the book, provides an illuminating Afterword.
"If you have any interest in samurai especially about Japanese perspective and the Bushido code of that time... but you don't feel that you are up to reading the actual book, then definitely recommend checking out "Hagakure: The Code of the Samurai - The Manga Edition". Definitely recommended!" - Denis A Amith, Kindle.
Spanish version
Sean Michael Wilson es un escritor de cómics escocés, aunque ahora vive en Japón.
Sean Michael Wilson es un escritor de cómics escocés, aunque ahora vive en Japón.
French Version
Sean Michael WILSON, est un scénariste écossais qui vit aujourd'hui au Japon. Il a scénarisé de nombreuses bandes dessinées: Les 47 Rônins, Le Livre des Cinq Roues, Hagakure et Le Sermon du Tengu.
Sean Michael WILSON, est un scénariste écossais qui vit aujourd'hui au Japon. Il a scénarisé de nombreuses bandes dessinées: Les 47 Rônins, Le Livre des Cinq Roues, Hagakure et Le Sermon du Tengu.
Italian version:
Sean Michael Wilson è autore di fumetti e manga nonché editor dell’antologia Ax: Alternative Manga. Tra i suoi adattamenti in versione manga/fumetto, ricordiamo Canto di Natale di Charles Dickens, Cime tempestose di Emily Brontë e Il fantasma di Canterville di Oscar Wilde. Ha lavorato con disegnatori cinesi, giapponesi e inglesi, tra cui Mike Collins e Yishan Li. Tiene conferenze sui mature manga negli Stati Uniti e in Gran Bretagna.
Sean Michael Wilson è autore di fumetti e manga nonché editor dell’antologia Ax: Alternative Manga. Tra i suoi adattamenti in versione manga/fumetto, ricordiamo Canto di Natale di Charles Dickens, Cime tempestose di Emily Brontë e Il fantasma di Canterville di Oscar Wilde. Ha lavorato con disegnatori cinesi, giapponesi e inglesi, tra cui Mike Collins e Yishan Li. Tiene conferenze sui mature manga negli Stati Uniti e in Gran Bretagna.