Tao Te Ching
In this visually striking edition of the Taoist classic, award-winning graphic novel writer Sean Michael Wilson brings its teachings into a modern light in a completely fresh way, with each of its 81 poem-passages brought to life by the illustrations of London-based artist Cary Kwok. Together, they set the text in various historical and contemporary scenes to bring out its modern relevance in ways that are both unsparing and deeply hopeful.
"Engaging, well researched, and very relatable. The translation by William Scott Wilson is thorough. The art by Cary Kwok is alluring and vivid. Altogether, the creative team has made this essential text even more compelling not only for those interested in theology but also philosophy."-Graphic Policy
Get the ebook here:
Apple: https://books.apple.com/us/book/tao-te-ching/id6442988972
Kobo: https://www.kobo.com/us/en/ebook/tao-te-ching-182
Google: https://play.google.com/store/books/details?id=fFF1EAAAQBAJ&PAffiliateID=1011ld4r&PCamRefID=%7BTRACKING_CODE%7D
B&N: https://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/tao-te-ching-sean-michael-wilson/1128234518;jsessionid=4DD52E1501A2B92F22E00BC1A6788607.prodny_store02-atgap18?ean=9780834843035