These are graphic novels/ comic books of my own ideas. A lot of the books I do are adaptations of classic texts or my interpretation of real historical events. But I also write books based on my own original ideas and characters.
Click the image of each book to see more on its own page
Click the image of each book to see more on its own page

Written by Sean Michael Wilson
Illustrated by Fumi Obata
70 pages full colour hardback edition * £12.99 * Published 21st May 2020
"Joanna is a high-powered finance consultant who’s been signed off work after having a nervous breakdown. Seeking more than just something to pass the time, she travels to Kyoto, Japan, to immerse herself in the arts of zen gardening and meditation.
Returning home – and to the challenges of daily life – Joanna finds peace and a new sense of calm through nurturing her own garden – and her soul."
Illustrated by Fumi Obata
70 pages full colour hardback edition * £12.99 * Published 21st May 2020
"Joanna is a high-powered finance consultant who’s been signed off work after having a nervous breakdown. Seeking more than just something to pass the time, she travels to Kyoto, Japan, to immerse herself in the arts of zen gardening and meditation.
Returning home – and to the challenges of daily life – Joanna finds peace and a new sense of calm through nurturing her own garden – and her soul."

"When David loses his wife and child in a tragic car accident he decides, in anger at the cruelty of the event, to turn against God. He sets out to systematically break each of the Ten Commandments in order to both spite God and to get his attention! But will he go all the way, and break the commandment 'Thou shalt not kill'? Two mysterious figures, Mr White and Mr Black, try to win David over to their side: the religious or the humanistic. Deeply sad in parts and comical in others, this modern story explores age old questions: Is there a God? And if there is, does that God care about us?"
July 2016 6x9, 112pp., B&W trade pb.$11.99, ebook $7.99. My 3rd book with the long running New York graphic novel publisher, NBM Publishing.
Volume 1 (of a 2 part series)
In case anyone thinks I got the ‘Breaking’ bit from the TV series ‘Breaking Bad’, the book is from an original idea of mine that I had BEFORE that TV series came out - honest guv! This story mixes tragedy and comedy, very moving scenes with very silly ones, has a lot of energetic connection between the 3 main characters... and a certain divinity may or may not make an appearance at some time!
Get the book here:
Volume 2, Spring 2018

My childhood autobiographical story, set in Scotland.
A poetic take on the Scottish childhood of writer Sean Michael Wilson, in comic book form, drawn by lovely Swedish artist Hanna Stromberg. The book mixes together 14 intimate and interesting childhood stories and adventures, with a touch of magical realism.This is a special version of 72 pages, with a different cover than on the digital version, for only $6.50 (or 650 yen in Japan) from Nagoya based publisher, BigUglyRobot.
From the Japanese publisher:
Or in the US:

150 pages, mature manga story,
written by Sean Michael Wilson
art by Chie Kutuswada.
NBM Publications, 2011.
"Lee, living in Hong Kong, meets Matt, a fine young Scot. Their relationship becomes stronger by the day, despite their deep cultural differences. But there is Lee's dad to contend with who views this affair very suspiciously. And there is another contender for Lee's heart, a young Chinese man, whose jealousy takes on twinges of xenophobia. Will Lee and Matt's relationship successfully cross the cultural divide and overcome the negative odds?"
Vol 1:
Volume 2, 2015
Volume 3, spring 2019

Celebrating ten years as a comic book writer, 2013
So, I decided - just for fun - to celebrate that by putting together a big collection of my short comic book strips, with various artists, from various anthologies, magazines, etc over the last ten years. Featuring stories on: the tsunami disaster in Japan, Adam Smith, various strips on Japanese history, a fictional story set in the 60s, corruption in Thailand, trouble in Palestine, Franz Kafka, a sample for a gangster story, a children's story about Newts, various poetical pieces... and, as they say, a lot more!
Featuring art by: Neill Cameron, Michiru Morikawa, Jorge Heufemann , Colin Upton, Robert Brown, Juan Chavarriga, Pedro Belushi, Rejena Smiley, Adam R Grose, Akiko Shimojima, Hanna Stromberg, Carl Thompson, Mick McMahon, Haruka Miyabi, Robert Wells, Mary Hutchison and Sean Azzopardi.
Its available digitally as 242 pages for just $2.99. Super cheap as this is a simple collection done mainly for the joy of it. Please check it out, and here's to ten more years!

Beautiful Things: A Collection of Poems and Short Stories in Comic Book Form, by Sean Michael Wilson
(Author)... illustrated by Juan Chavarriga, Zeel, Sean Azzopardi, Mary Hutchison et al.
Boychild productions, June 2005, 60 pages.
A 2006 LiveWire Comics Awards winner - 'Best Indie Graphic Novel'.
A collection of poetic short stories in comic book form. An unusual literary book, written by Sean Michael Wilson (of ‘Angel of the woods’, and ‘Manga mover’ books) and drawn by various artists from several countries, including Neill Cameron, Pedro Belushi and Juan Chavarriga. Expressionistic, intimate, sensual, obscure, …These comics are like lightening flashes in that we only see part of a situation or mood for a brief time, then its gone, leaving us wondering. Its comic book influences include Alan Moore, Adrian Tomine, Chris Reynolds, as well as the writings of Kafka and Borges.
(Author)... illustrated by Juan Chavarriga, Zeel, Sean Azzopardi, Mary Hutchison et al.
Boychild productions, June 2005, 60 pages.
A 2006 LiveWire Comics Awards winner - 'Best Indie Graphic Novel'.
A collection of poetic short stories in comic book form. An unusual literary book, written by Sean Michael Wilson (of ‘Angel of the woods’, and ‘Manga mover’ books) and drawn by various artists from several countries, including Neill Cameron, Pedro Belushi and Juan Chavarriga. Expressionistic, intimate, sensual, obscure, …These comics are like lightening flashes in that we only see part of a situation or mood for a brief time, then its gone, leaving us wondering. Its comic book influences include Alan Moore, Adrian Tomine, Chris Reynolds, as well as the writings of Kafka and Borges.

Sean Michael Wilson and Jorge Heufemann
Boychild Productions, Dec 2003, 86 pages.
A mysterious creature subtly terrorises two young couples on holiday in the woods. Though the other are terrified, one of the young men begins to develop an affinity with the creature, which causes a fundamental psychological change to occur in him. What is the nature of it’s interest in him?
Angel of the woods appears to be a straight horror story to begin with it, but soon becomes a quite different thing. Rather than being ‘blood and guts’, it is rather subtle, the monster being mostly on the edges of consciousness. As we read on we see its really about personal growth. It is also, for the most part, realistic in setting, presentation and characters. I think this gives it a rather unusual feeling for a story that is essentially a classical ‘birth of the hero’ tale.
Boychild Productions, Dec 2003, 86 pages.
A mysterious creature subtly terrorises two young couples on holiday in the woods. Though the other are terrified, one of the young men begins to develop an affinity with the creature, which causes a fundamental psychological change to occur in him. What is the nature of it’s interest in him?
Angel of the woods appears to be a straight horror story to begin with it, but soon becomes a quite different thing. Rather than being ‘blood and guts’, it is rather subtle, the monster being mostly on the edges of consciousness. As we read on we see its really about personal growth. It is also, for the most part, realistic in setting, presentation and characters. I think this gives it a rather unusual feeling for a story that is essentially a classical ‘birth of the hero’ tale.