Portraits of Violence ebook
Our award winning comic book Portraits of Violence is now out on Comixology. Fresh out this week.
Somewhat to my surprise the book was far better received that I thought it would be, selling the most of all my 'social issue' type books so far, getting an award and four foreign language versions. Nice!
Violence remains one of the most complex problems facing our societies. The problem is multiple, comes in various forms and affects us all in one-way or another. How we respond must begin with the power of education in innovative and accessible ways. Bringing together established academics and award-winning comic book writers and illustrators, Portraits of Violence takes up this challenge by introducing the most compelling ideas and episodes in the critique of violence.
Featuring artwork by a diverse team of male and female artists from various countries:
Scottish artist Chris Mackenzie, Japanese artists Inko and Michiru Morikawa, US artist Carl Thompson, Vietnamese artist Yen Quach, and English artist Robert Brown.
Hannah Arendt, Franz Fanon, Brad Evans, Edward Said, Paolo Freire, Michel Foucault, Susan Sontag, Noam Chomsky, Judith Butler, Giorgio Agamben each have ten pages to tell their story in this innovative graphic title.
So get your ebook/digital version here, for a good price: