By 'Social issues' I mean books on history, politics, sociology and culture in general. I've worked with a variety of organisations in the process, such as British universities and museums, including academics such as Prof Noam Chomsky, Prof Lawrence Krauss and Dr Brad Evans. Also with charities and activist groups such as Norwegian's People's Aid, Citizen's Income Trust, the British and American Humanist Associations, Corporate Watch, the Arts Council, etc.
My book with the charity War on Want, Iraq:Operation Corporate Takeover was reported on by a variety of mainstream agencies - such as Reuters, CCTV in China and several Middle Eastern magazines. My most recent social issues book, The Many Not the Few was made with the union GFTU, had a launch party in the Houses of Parliament and an introduction by the Labour Party leader, Jeremy Corbyn. Nice!
These social issue comics are very important to me. They are interesting to make (I learn a lot about the topics in the process), contribute towards further understanding of the subjects covered, and tackling such subjects help to change the outdated image that comics are just for children (bah! - is anyone so silly as to still think that way?). Pretty good reasons. So, here is what I've done so far in that strand.
Click the cover image of each book to see more on its own page
By 'Social issues' I mean books on history, politics, sociology and culture in general. I've worked with a variety of organisations in the process, such as British universities and museums, including academics such as Prof Noam Chomsky, Prof Lawrence Krauss and Dr Brad Evans. Also with charities and activist groups such as Norwegian's People's Aid, Citizen's Income Trust, the British and American Humanist Associations, Corporate Watch, the Arts Council, etc.
My book with the charity War on Want, Iraq:Operation Corporate Takeover was reported on by a variety of mainstream agencies - such as Reuters, CCTV in China and several Middle Eastern magazines. My most recent social issues book, The Many Not the Few was made with the union GFTU, had a launch party in the Houses of Parliament and an introduction by the Labour Party leader, Jeremy Corbyn. Nice!
These social issue comics are very important to me. They are interesting to make (I learn a lot about the topics in the process), contribute towards further understanding of the subjects covered, and tackling such subjects help to change the outdated image that comics are just for children (bah! - is anyone so silly as to still think that way?). Pretty good reasons. So, here is what I've done so far in that strand.
Click the cover image of each book to see more on its own page

Freedom Shall Prevail is the first graphic novel exploring the life and struggle of Abdullah Öcalan, affectionately known as “Apo.”
Highly regarded around the world, Öcalan led the Kurdish freedom struggle as the head of the PKK from its foundation in 1978 until his abduction by the Turkish state in 1999. He has, so far, spent twenty-five years in captivity. In this graphic novel we learn, in his own words, what Öcalan’s childhood was like in the partially Kurdish areas of Eastern Turkey and how his political awareness and commitment grew as a student in the late 1960s and early 1970s. Through the personal struggle of Öcalan we also see the terrible devastation that Kurdish people have suffered and learn about the tumultuous and dramatic history of the relationship between the Kurds and the Turkish state.
The book also dives into the theories developed by Öcalan that continue to influence the ongoing struggle today. Expanding on these, the second part of the book gives us a wider consideration of the issues and policies around women's freedom, democratic confederalism and paints an inspiring picture of one of the most impressive attempts to build a genuinely grassroots democratic system anywhere in the world. The struggle going on in the Autonomous Administration of North and East Syria, also known as Rojava, is one that is directly combatting gender and racial discrimination and the abuses of the capitalist economic system—in truly interconnected ways.
This wonderfully illustrated graphic novel is a collaboration between award-winning Scottish writer Sean Michael Wilson and Kurdish artist Keko, with backing and research help from Peace in Kurdistan Campaign and the International Initiative “Freedom for Abdullah Öcalan—Peace in Kurdistan,” groups with long term and impassioned commitment to the cause of Öcalan and the Kurdish people’s freedom.
Liberate it on Amazon
Highly regarded around the world, Öcalan led the Kurdish freedom struggle as the head of the PKK from its foundation in 1978 until his abduction by the Turkish state in 1999. He has, so far, spent twenty-five years in captivity. In this graphic novel we learn, in his own words, what Öcalan’s childhood was like in the partially Kurdish areas of Eastern Turkey and how his political awareness and commitment grew as a student in the late 1960s and early 1970s. Through the personal struggle of Öcalan we also see the terrible devastation that Kurdish people have suffered and learn about the tumultuous and dramatic history of the relationship between the Kurds and the Turkish state.
The book also dives into the theories developed by Öcalan that continue to influence the ongoing struggle today. Expanding on these, the second part of the book gives us a wider consideration of the issues and policies around women's freedom, democratic confederalism and paints an inspiring picture of one of the most impressive attempts to build a genuinely grassroots democratic system anywhere in the world. The struggle going on in the Autonomous Administration of North and East Syria, also known as Rojava, is one that is directly combatting gender and racial discrimination and the abuses of the capitalist economic system—in truly interconnected ways.
This wonderfully illustrated graphic novel is a collaboration between award-winning Scottish writer Sean Michael Wilson and Kurdish artist Keko, with backing and research help from Peace in Kurdistan Campaign and the International Initiative “Freedom for Abdullah Öcalan—Peace in Kurdistan,” groups with long term and impassioned commitment to the cause of Öcalan and the Kurdish people’s freedom.
Liberate it on Amazon

Clear Away the Clichés:
A Guide Book for Students about Communism, Capitalism, Anarchism and Post-Capitalism
“There are various very silly clichés and misunderstandings about anarchism, communism, socialism and capitalism. Many people have almost no idea what these systems are, or believe the most basically inaccurate things. Various studies have shown that only about 25% of people in the UK and USA can give a good explanation of these various systems. If we don't know what they really are, then how can we chose which is best? So, let's clear away the cliches!
This short and accessible book is an attempt to increase basic knowledge about what anarchism, communism, socialism and capitalism really are. And what a post-capitalist society could consist of. It does so by noting various common clichés and making clear what the views and approaches really are. Written in a plain style, and avoiding academic jargon, this book will be especially useful for students on course of economics, sociology, politics and cultural studies.”
July 2023, 114 pages and only $8 or £6 in the bonny old UK.
A Guide Book for Students about Communism, Capitalism, Anarchism and Post-Capitalism
“There are various very silly clichés and misunderstandings about anarchism, communism, socialism and capitalism. Many people have almost no idea what these systems are, or believe the most basically inaccurate things. Various studies have shown that only about 25% of people in the UK and USA can give a good explanation of these various systems. If we don't know what they really are, then how can we chose which is best? So, let's clear away the cliches!
This short and accessible book is an attempt to increase basic knowledge about what anarchism, communism, socialism and capitalism really are. And what a post-capitalist society could consist of. It does so by noting various common clichés and making clear what the views and approaches really are. Written in a plain style, and avoiding academic jargon, this book will be especially useful for students on course of economics, sociology, politics and cultural studies.”
July 2023, 114 pages and only $8 or £6 in the bonny old UK.
New book from Hand Readers Press (my new self publishing arm):
"SYSTEMS: Reflections on capitalism, communism, anarchism and what a better economic and social system may look like
The book delves into various debates and conversations and arguments encountered over a number of years. Following George Orwell’s advice to write in a way that is plain, direct but engaging, Wilson avoids academic jargon and getting bogged down in complicated political or economic theory.
All the issues are laid out alphabetically, covering a wide range of aspects of what system we can use to govern and organise ourselves. Throughout the book Wilson uses his own abbreviation of BESS as a shorthand for a better economic and social system. "
March 2023, 224 pages.
"SYSTEMS: Reflections on capitalism, communism, anarchism and what a better economic and social system may look like
The book delves into various debates and conversations and arguments encountered over a number of years. Following George Orwell’s advice to write in a way that is plain, direct but engaging, Wilson avoids academic jargon and getting bogged down in complicated political or economic theory.
All the issues are laid out alphabetically, covering a wide range of aspects of what system we can use to govern and organise ourselves. Throughout the book Wilson uses his own abbreviation of BESS as a shorthand for a better economic and social system. "
March 2023, 224 pages.
September, 2021
Pluto Press
112 pages
Such, Such Were the Joys
By George Orwell
Adapted by Sean Michael Wilson
Illustrated by Jaime Huxtable
"Writer Sean Michael Wilson and artist Jaime Huxtable bring to vivid graphic life one of George Orwell's most celebrated essays. In Such, Such Were The Joys Orwell looks back on his childhood and on his experience of boarding school, reflecting on the often brutal realities of the regime to which pupils were subjected in the name of class prejudice, hierarchy and imperial destiny. This ground-breaking graphic treatment conjures up how this harsh world looks through a child's innocent, accepting eyes while juxtaposing the mature Orwell's ruminations on what such schooling says about society. The book aims to introduce Orwell's writing to new readers while offering a fascinating new visual dimension for those who already know it well."
Over the last few years I have become very interested in Orwell and have read all the old 1960s collections of his essays and letters from the 1930s and 1940s , which are full of very good and insightful stuff. So, its a delight to make a book based on his autobiographical story. From respected long time publisher of books on sociology, history and politics, Pluto Press as their first graphic novel. Published with the permission of the Orwell estate , it even has a back cover quote from Orwell's son.
Please get our Orwell book - to help us persuade the publisher to do more volumes in the 'Illustrated Orwell' series.
Pluto Press
112 pages
Such, Such Were the Joys
By George Orwell
Adapted by Sean Michael Wilson
Illustrated by Jaime Huxtable
"Writer Sean Michael Wilson and artist Jaime Huxtable bring to vivid graphic life one of George Orwell's most celebrated essays. In Such, Such Were The Joys Orwell looks back on his childhood and on his experience of boarding school, reflecting on the often brutal realities of the regime to which pupils were subjected in the name of class prejudice, hierarchy and imperial destiny. This ground-breaking graphic treatment conjures up how this harsh world looks through a child's innocent, accepting eyes while juxtaposing the mature Orwell's ruminations on what such schooling says about society. The book aims to introduce Orwell's writing to new readers while offering a fascinating new visual dimension for those who already know it well."
Over the last few years I have become very interested in Orwell and have read all the old 1960s collections of his essays and letters from the 1930s and 1940s , which are full of very good and insightful stuff. So, its a delight to make a book based on his autobiographical story. From respected long time publisher of books on sociology, history and politics, Pluto Press as their first graphic novel. Published with the permission of the Orwell estate , it even has a back cover quote from Orwell's son.
Please get our Orwell book - to help us persuade the publisher to do more volumes in the 'Illustrated Orwell' series.
Written by Sean Michael Wilson
Illustrated by Robert S Brown
Consultant on union history, Doug Nicolls,
General Secretary of the GFTU.
June 2019
128 pages
With a foreword by Jeremy Corbyn, leader of the Labour Party (who came and made a speech in support of the book at its launch party in the Houses of Parliament).
With a mix of serious research and family jokes old union rep, Joe, and his granddaughter, Arushi, go into the complicated history, the ideological battles, the class conflict, a consideration of what unions are for, and what the future of unions may be. Starting way back with the 14th-century Peasants' Revolt, taking in the Levellers and the Luddites, the expansion of the unions in the 19th century, the height of their power in the '70s, the great conflicts and decline of the '80s, and considering the future positive role for unions.
Written by Sean Michael Wilson
Illustrated by Robert S Brown
Consultant on union history, Doug Nicolls,
General Secretary of the GFTU.
June 2019
128 pages
With a foreword by Jeremy Corbyn, leader of the Labour Party (who came and made a speech in support of the book at its launch party in the Houses of Parliament).
With a mix of serious research and family jokes old union rep, Joe, and his granddaughter, Arushi, go into the complicated history, the ideological battles, the class conflict, a consideration of what unions are for, and what the future of unions may be. Starting way back with the 14th-century Peasants' Revolt, taking in the Levellers and the Luddites, the expansion of the unions in the 19th century, the height of their power in the '70s, the great conflicts and decline of the '80s, and considering the future positive role for unions.
GFTU 120th Anniversary booklet
We made a 30 page booklet to chart the achievements of the GENERAL FEDERATION OF TRADE UNIONS, in the UK. And to celebrate its 120th year of, as the title says, supporting unions. They have done some important work, and continue to do so.
We made a 30 page booklet to chart the achievements of the GENERAL FEDERATION OF TRADE UNIONS, in the UK. And to celebrate its 120th year of, as the title says, supporting unions. They have done some important work, and continue to do so.

Visual versions of ten sociological theories on political violence, war, terrorism.
With Dr Brad Evans (Bristol University) of the 'Histories of Violence' project.
New Internationalist, October 2016. 136 pages.
Bringing together established academics and award-winning comic book writers and illustrators, Portraits of Violence illustrates the most compelling ideas and episodes in the critique of violence.
Hannah Arendt, Franz Fanon, Jacques Derrida, Edward Said, Paolo Freire, Michel Foucault, Susan Sontag, Noam Chomsky, Judith Butler, and Giorgio Agamben each have ten pages to tell their story in this innovative graphic title.
Two chapters from it, on Frantz Fanon and Hannah Arendt, can be downloaded free here:
Buy it here:

A 220 pages documentary style comic book on Michael Albert and his anarchist influenced theory of participatory economics, with artist Carl Thompson.
Spring 2013, Seven Stories Press, USA.
With an introduction by Professor Noam Chomsky
his first connection to a comic book.
PARECOMIC is about Michael Albert and his life's struggle as a US left wing activist, reaching right back to the heady days of 1960's student demos and lifestyle rebellions. From the development of the anti war movement, civil rights, the woman's movement, and the black panthers to the establishment of alternative media like South End Press and Znet. PARECOMIC shows us Michael's story, and at the same time the ideas and issues that influence both our society and the better alternative that we can build via the anarchist influenced system of participatory economics. Or PARECON for short - hence the title for our book, which rather started out as a joke - but has stuck: PARECOMIC.
A 220 pages documentary style comic book on Michael Albert and his anarchist influenced theory of participatory economics, with artist Carl Thompson.
Spring 2013, Seven Stories Press, USA.
With an introduction by Professor Noam Chomsky
his first connection to a comic book.
PARECOMIC is about Michael Albert and his life's struggle as a US left wing activist, reaching right back to the heady days of 1960's student demos and lifestyle rebellions. From the development of the anti war movement, civil rights, the woman's movement, and the black panthers to the establishment of alternative media like South End Press and Znet. PARECOMIC shows us Michael's story, and at the same time the ideas and issues that influence both our society and the better alternative that we can build via the anarchist influenced system of participatory economics. Or PARECON for short - hence the title for our book, which rather started out as a joke - but has stuck: PARECOMIC.

170 page documentary style book, Autumn 2013.
Seven Stories Press and in the UK from New Internationalist. With an introduction by Tariq Ali.
In Fight the Power!, comics authors Sean Michael Wilson and Benjamin Dickson team up with illustrators Hunt Emerson, John Spelling, and Adam Pasion to show how this process has been played out again and again throughout history--and has slowly but surely led to hard-won rights for the people along the way. Focusing on the English-speaking nations, Wilson and Dickson chronicle the struggles of the Luddites and Swing Riots in the early 1800s, through the Irish Rebellions that lasted through 1922; from the suffragettes in 1918 to Rosa Parks and the bus boycott of the mid-1950s; from the trial of Nelson Mandela to the Occupy movement that has only just begun. By illuminating the variety of protests--and the valuable connections among them--through an accessible art form, Fight the Power! shows that there is a point to the struggle, fight by fight, win by win.
170 page documentary style book, Autumn 2013.
Seven Stories Press and in the UK from New Internationalist. With an introduction by Tariq Ali.
In Fight the Power!, comics authors Sean Michael Wilson and Benjamin Dickson team up with illustrators Hunt Emerson, John Spelling, and Adam Pasion to show how this process has been played out again and again throughout history--and has slowly but surely led to hard-won rights for the people along the way. Focusing on the English-speaking nations, Wilson and Dickson chronicle the struggles of the Luddites and Swing Riots in the early 1800s, through the Irish Rebellions that lasted through 1922; from the suffragettes in 1918 to Rosa Parks and the bus boycott of the mid-1950s; from the trial of Nelson Mandela to the Occupy movement that has only just begun. By illuminating the variety of protests--and the valuable connections among them--through an accessible art form, Fight the Power! shows that there is a point to the struggle, fight by fight, win by win.

Written by Sean Michael Wilson, Illustrated by Hunt Emerson
120 pages, published by New Internationalist, April 2015. £9.99 / $14.95
With an introduction by Professor Lawrence Krauss
"A graphic novel that explores evolution vs. creation and calls for an end to the teaching of creationism in schools. It pans out to consider the negative impacts of religion, and with the active involvement of both the American Humanist Association and the British Humanist Association, demonstrates how a concern for humanism, science, and reasoned logical thinking is crucial for the development of society."
Up the Union!
Fumio Obata and I did this one page strip for the GFTU (General Federation of Trade Unions) which was in this year's TUC congress booklet.
Nice to see comics being used for such purposes.

To End All Wars: The Graphic Anthology of the First World War
I wrote one of the stories in this lovely looking, big, hardcover book. It has an introduction by the great Pat Mills and went on to be nominated for not one, but two Eisner awards.
"An omnibus of 27 short graphic narratives based on actual events, characters, circumstances, incidents, myths or consequences of the Great War. Featuring the four theatres of war (land, sea, air and the home front), spanning four continents and drawn from both sides of the conflict, our stories range from four to sixteen pages long, each by a different author and/or illustrator from the world of independent comics. Two dollars from the sale of copy will go to Medicins Sans Frontiers/Doctors Without Borders."

We made a 'simple but effective' 4 page comic for the UK branch of the
Citizen's Income campaign.
Yet another wee example of how comics are useful for explaining social and educational issues. Art by Carl Thompson.
"The Citizen's Income Trust promotes debate on the desirability and feasibility of a Citizen's Income..."
Free download here:
A strip about successful resistance to corruption in the health business in Thailand, published in a collection of socially aware comic stories focusing on corruption, 2009, called CTRL.ALT.SHIFT. alongside strips by Pat Mills, Dave McKean, Peter Kuper etc. Art by Michiru Morikawa.

2010 on - a regular monthly strip 'Green Benches' (a humorous look at ethical practice in politics and business), published in UK environmental and sustainable business magazine, 'Blue and Green Tomorrow'. Art by Carl Thompson, with Strip 6 with art by the great Mick McMahon, a favourite artist of mine since I was 12 years old. Dreams come true...
2010 on - a regular monthly strip 'Green Benches' (a humorous look at ethical practice in politics and business), published in UK environmental and sustainable business magazine, 'Blue and Green Tomorrow'. Art by Carl Thompson, with Strip 6 with art by the great Mick McMahon, a favourite artist of mine since I was 12 years old. Dreams come true...
A strip about the Tohoku earthquake and tsunami disaster, including western help and Japanese government inefficiency - published in charity relief books 'AfterShock' and in the UK 'Spirit of Hope' , 2011. An extended and colour version was published in ASIA LITERARY REVIEW, summer 2011 edition (The first time this prestigious magazine has featured manga/comics). Art by Michiru Morikawa.

We had a story featured in the excellent anthology
'War: the human cost', 2011.
'War: the human cost', 2011.

A strip in a book report about the Separation Wall in Israel/Palestine, the damage it is doing to Palestinian communities and businesses and what can be done to improve the situation (published Nov 2011 by Corporate Watch).
Art By Rejena Smiley.
Art By Rejena Smiley.

'Adam Smith, Economist' in the journal 'Sweet: a literary confection' Vol 3.2, art by Neill Cameron.

Regular illustrations for articles on aspects of society for progressive pan-Asian think tank,
'Global Institute for Tomorrow', late 2011 on, with artists Adam Pasion, John Spelling and Chris Mackenzie.
'Global Institute for Tomorrow', late 2011 on, with artists Adam Pasion, John Spelling and Chris Mackenzie.

One story in the magazine 'CALEDONIAN PLUS' of GLASGOW CALEDONIAN UNIVERSITY, where i did my first degree in sociology and psychology. Autumn 2011. Art by Hanna Stromberg.

A strip criticising levels of violence and attitudes towards violence in the UK and USA and comparing them with the much better situation in Japan, and asking what can be done. With artist Carl Thompson. Published so far in 'RAN' (Nagoya magazine), 'Cartoonist against Bullying' anthology, and in colour in 'Ink+Paper' issue 2.
A strip criticising levels of violence and attitudes towards violence in the UK and USA and comparing them with the much better situation in Japan, and asking what can be done. With artist Carl Thompson. Published so far in 'RAN' (Nagoya magazine), 'Cartoonist against Bullying' anthology, and in colour in 'Ink+Paper' issue 2.

Three comic strips about the role of Norway in Israel and the Palestinian Occupied Territories, and divestment in abusive companies there (published May 2012 by Norwegian People's Alliance, in, not surprisingly, Norwegian), with artists Colin Upton, Robert Wells and Robert Brown.
Three comic strips about the role of Norway in Israel and the Palestinian Occupied Territories, and divestment in abusive companies there (published May 2012 by Norwegian People's Alliance, in, not surprisingly, Norwegian), with artists Colin Upton, Robert Wells and Robert Brown.